
Monday, July 2, 2012

The Versatile Blogger Award

Hey Everyone,

Awards!  I love awards.  Don't you?  I am so thrilled to announce that I received two awards from Nicole from Rowdy in Room 300 the Versatile Blogger Award and the One Lovely Blog Award.  Thank you so much Nicole!  You're the best. :-)  Her blog is great and she has a great TpT store that I follow.

In my next blog post, I will highlight 15 new blogs for the One Lovely Blog Award. Would you like to be on that list?  See below and leave me a comment.

For now, here are my nominations!

The rules for this award are as follows:
  • 1.  Thank the blogger who nominated you - Thank you Nicole!! 
  • 2.  Include a link to their site 
  • 3.  Include the award image in your post 
  • 4.  Give 7 random facts about yourself - Just scroll down :)
  • 5.  Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award -  
    • Scroll down a little further...
  • 6.  When nominating, include a link to their site
  • 7.  Let other bloggers know they've been nominated  

7 Random Facts about me...
  • 1. I have lived on 4 different continents.
  • 2. I love to try to learn to speak different languages.
  • 3. I also teach yoga and meditation.
  • 4. I am currently watching 'Downton Abbey'.
  • 5.  I love to travel to remote places.
  • 6. I am addicted to buying Kindle books. 
  • 7. I will spend the next month in Ireland. 
My nominations:
Ladybug's Teacher Files 
Kristen has a ton of freebies and great tutorials.  I visit her site daily!!!  She teaches ESLin Grade 4/5, but I have found almost all of it useful in my 2nd Grade Class.  I use her Word Dectectives book this year and my kiddos loved it. 


Check out Traci's year long planner - amazing!

I love their freebies.  

She has made free fonts!  She is at 299 Followers and is hoping to get to 300. 

Mechele has great ideas. Maybe you'll be interested in her postcard exchange.

I used Ms. Durning's Bee Binder Idea with huge success!

 I love Natasha and Leigh's spelling inquiry cycle!

Check out her Writer's Workshop Freebie!

I read The End of Molasses Classes by Ron Clark as a result of one of Monica's posts.

I follow Tammy's TpT store.  She makes great printables.

I just found this blog and love it.  Erin does amazing things!

 Kylie definitely deserves the Versatile Blogger Award.  Visit her blog to see why!

This was one of the very first blogs I found and it got me hooked!

Many of my nominees may have already been nominated for these awards as they are such outstanding blogs.  

Calling all new bloggers...  Do you have a new blog?  I am looking for 15 new blogs to nominate for the One Lovely Blog Award.  If you are currently a blogger with a 150 or fewer followers that would like to grow your following with me... let's join up!  Leave me a comment and I will highlight you in my next post!



  1. Congrats on the award!
    Thanks for the sweet shout out!
    You are so fortunate to have traveled so much and lived on 4 different continents!!! That's incredible.
    ❤Dragonflies in First ❤

  2. Congrats on the award!! Thank you for sharing it with me:)

    1...2...3...Teach With Me

  3. Cpngrats! Thanks for the award :) Makes me feel so special!

    Luckeyfrog's Lilypad

  4. Thanks so much for the award. Email me at so we can talk about the exchange.

  5. Thank you Kate!!! This was so nice of you and I really appreciate it!! :)

  6. I just started following you. I'm having a giveaway you might want to check out!

    The Hive
